Dr Bill Wittich is a Past President of the Laguna Sunrise Rotary Club, Past District 5180 Assistant Governor, and has been an instructor for Far West PETS. His doctorate is from the University of Southern California. He has written books on non-profit associations. His most recent book is “Stop Recruiting/Start Attracting” (Amazon.com). He discussed how to attract new members by:
- Using the magic formula for attraction
- Finding out where to look for new Rotarians
- Finding out who is responsible for membership
- Learning how to recruit a diverse Rotary force.
- Learning why people join Rotary.
- Finding out why people do not join Rotary.
- Understanding the sales tools for attraction.
In Recruiting, we find them; in Attracting, they want to find us. Why do we want new members? More ideas, help with projects, social connections. Why do they want us? To network with community “Movers & Shakers”, social environment, interesting speakers each week, having fun, doing service (many of them are already doing community service in other contexts).
Some prospective members go shopping for Clubs to see which one is the best “fit” for them. They need to have a business attitude, service attitude, and time to come to meetings. Rotary especially needs young (20s-40’s) professionals & more women & ethnic diversity. Talk about what we do, invite them & spouse and children to help in our projects.