(Dec 7, 2021) The SBCCOG will hold its 22nd General Assembly with Exhibit Hall on March 24, 2022, looking for new ideas from elected officials, business and the public. The SBCCOG is located at 2355 Crenshaw Blvd in Torrance, 310-371-7222, www.southbaycities.org. Jacki is available at jacki@southbaycities.org.
Jacki Bacharach was born in Chicago, grew up in the San Fernando Valley, and graduated from UCLA in 1966. She served on the RPV City Council 1980-1993, including as Mayor in 1981-82, 1983-84, and 1988-89. She served for 12 years on the LA County Transportation Commission (LACTC) until 1993. She helped organize the Southern California Regional Rail Authority (the Metrolink commuter rail system), the Los Angeles-San Diego Rail Corridor Agency (LA-San Diego Amtrak service), and the Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority (landside access to the Ports of LA and Long Beach). She served on the Transportation and Communications Committee for the League of California Cities. She also worked on the National Commission on Intermodal Transportation.
Jacki is the Executive Director of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments (SBCCOG). Her duties include oversight of the South Bay Environmental Services Center, pilot projects for fleet conversion to electric vehicles, and the South Bay’s Measure R and Measure M transportation programs. Special initiatives include services for homeless and seniors, regional broadband service, and climate action implementation. She also directs policy development, city outreach, and working with state and regional agencies. She is also the Chair of the LA County Quality and Productivity Commission.
The current major SBCCOG programs include Energy Efficiency, Outreach (presentations at events & classes), Water Conservation (Cash for Kitchens, Change and Save, Rain Barrel giveaway), Sustainability (promoting greenhouse gas reduction), Transportation (EV infrastructure, Local Travel Network, Vanpool, Metro Express Lane), South Bay Fiber Network (a regional broadband network to municipal sites), Homeless, and Seniors (Resource Sharing, Senior Services Working Group, Age-Friendly Network).
Energy efficiency programs to cities, school districts, businesses and homes provides information on energy & water usage and waste disposal with incentives and rebate programs. Low-flow shower heads, faucet aerators, and rain barrel giveaways help reduce water usage in our long-term drought conditions. A seniors’ home-share program helps elderly residents to continue living in their own homes. The South Bay Fiber Network won a national award in 2020 based on uniqueness and short- and long-term value to the community.
Ballot-approved sales tax measures are providing funding for projects to reduce traffic delays, improve safety, and promote ridesharing, telecommuting, and bike/pedestrian “slow” local transportation. A planning grant is studying a 243-mile network of local streets for slow local travel 25 mph or less (70% of South Bay trips are less than 3 miles). This would help to connect local destinations, reduce congestion, and increase safety and sustainability. Micro-mobility vehicles include many new models of small electric cars, electric bicycles and scooters for rent or purchase.