PDG Drew Froehlich (2010-11, District 5260) is past President of the Granada Hills Club and has been active in Rotary activities for many years, including the Zone Training Team for District Governors-Elect. His wife, Rahla, is also a long time Rotarian and Past President of the Glendale Noon Club. He is a retired US Navy Captain and has worked in the aerospace industry where he is currently a “semi retired” consultant.

PDG Froehlich was our District 5280’s Delegate to Rotary’s 2016 Council on Legislation, held for one week in Chicago every 3 years. Each of the 531 RI Districts sends one delegate (71 languages are represented). They meet to review, organize and enact legislative proposals submitted to committees over the previous 2 years, and to make recommendations to the RI Board of Directors. This year there were 117 enactments and 64 resolutions, which were published in the RI Manual of Procedure and will take effect July 1.

Among the new changes approved is to allow Clubs more flexibility to make their own rules on procedures, membership and attendance, to allow for cultural differences in the many countries represented in Rotary. Due to decreased investment returns during the global economic downturn of the last several years while costs continue to increase, there will be a dues increase of $4/year for the next 4 years to maintain financial stability.