(Jan 23, 2024)
Robin Aube is Director of Advancement at AltaSea in the Port of Los Angeles. AltaSea was founded in 2014 as a nonprofit ocean-focused science, business and education center at the Port of Los Angeles. Its purpose is to coordinate scientific collaboration, business innovation and education and job creation. The Blue Economy refers to the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth while preserving the health of the ocean. Its educational function prepares today’s students for future jobs in science, technology, engineering, business and the ocean. The business hub provides assistance and support for innovators and entrepreneurs in this area, connecting them with several world-class research institutions and government regulators.
Education activities include K-12 learning in class, field trips, and an ocean research barge, teacher development and training workshops, and public open house and exhibition programs. There are high school mentorships, post-secondary internships, and aquaculture and marine energy-development programs.
$28 million has been raised so far for renovation of Berths 58, 59 & 60, planned for opening in May 2024, including wharf renovation. A master planning process is planned for expansion to Berths 70-71. A center of education is planned in Berth 57 by summer 2026. The facility is self-sustaining and operating at a net profit since the end of 2023, with over 140 partners including 30 universities, 40 business partners, and 15 community organizations.