(Sept 12, 2023)
Mark Szilagyi is one of our new members, and has helped us with setting up communications equipment at our Club meetings. He grew up in Redondo Beach and graduated from Torrance South High, where he took AP Computer Science courses. He is now pursuing these interests at El Camino College, while also working over the past year with Chase Thacker at the Palos Verdes center of Rolling Robots, helping to teach children about design and use of robots. The children are in several age groups, starting by learning basic computer logic and commands, and gradually progressing to electronics and building and programming hardware. He has a busy schedule balancing work and school.
Mark attended the recent District RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Assembly) Sept 8-10 at Running Springs in the San Bernardino Mountains. (See photos.)
Mark discussed his hobby of the past several years, picking & opening locks, which he learned from his father’s interests. He displayed several intricate tools and discussed how they work. He showed us transparent models of locks to show how different tools work on various parts of the lock mechanism.