(Dec 10, 2024)
We met at the Crème de la Crêpe Restaurant for our annual Holiday Party, accompanied by guitar music, with 4 main menu choices and a big Christmas Log dessert. We sang Christmas carols (to our best amateur abilities) and enjoyed our social opportunities.
Our honored guest was District Gov Albert Hernandez, who spoke to us after our dinner. (He had been unable to keep his original scheduled Governor's Visit to our Club on Sept 10 due to a flight delay). He is a member of the Burbank Noon Rotary Club and has served in many volunteer Rotary positions. He lives with his wife and daughter in Santa Clarita. He is Chief Executive Officer of Home Again Los Angeles, a nonprofit homeless service agency that helps homeless families with children to move into shelter and work towards permanent housing.
DG Hernandez spoke on Rotary’s mission and operations on the District level, and of our District Humanitarian Trip to Maui. He encourages all clubs to grow Rotary, because membership growth helps us to increase our beneficial impact on the community and the world. He wants to encourage doing business with fellow Rotarians because this increases our collaboration and interaction. Promoting future leadership is important, especially encouraging the younger generation to commit to a lifetime of service above self.
In honor of DG Hernandez, our Club donated to the Rotary Foundation $250, which was matched by Ralph Black, Wes Bradford, Chuck Klaus, David Moyers, and Alberta Samuelson, for a total donation of $1500 to the Foundation.