(Dec 11, 2022)
We assembled at The Original Red Onion Restaurant at 11:30 AM Sun, Dec 11, for our Holiday Brunch. Our buffet line served roast beef, sausages, scrambled eggs, French toast with maple syrup, a beautiful fruit salad, and champaign & orange juice (plus the usual taco chips & salsa on the tables).
We brought our gifts for the Salvation Army Angel Trees program, that brings children and their incarcerated parent together on Christmas. We had picked up the children’s name tags at a previous Club meeting, with the individual child’s name, clothing sizes, and requests. (Joseph Nwabuzor brought a big pink bicycle!) After the Brunch, Pres Victoria & Chase Thacker loaded these gifts into their vehicles to take to the Salvation Army.
During the meal, we were serenaded by a holiday quartet (dressed like 1800s London!), with Christmas carols, and ending up with Mexican music accompanied by guitar (by Alberto, on the right in the photo).