There are 5 Francisco Homes in the Los Angeles area, providing transitional living for 55 men reentering society from prison, offering them logistical and emotional support and hope for a better future. Many of them have memories of toxic childhood experiences. To be accepted into the program, they must have earned honor status, behavioral credibility and worthiness of release from prison.
Sister Teresa Groth, Executive Director, has been helping to transition these men from prison back into society for 7 years. The Francisco Homes facilitate reconciling these men with the community and living the Christian principle of forgiveness. Residents attend weekly house meetings and have group sessions such as AA, Al-Anon, CGA (12-Step Program), Bible Reflection, Life Skills, Job Readiness, etc. Residents also meet with Case Management weekly during the first month, and then monthly. They must meet all parole conditions and give volunteer service to the community or a nonprofit organization.
The Homes are smoke-free and have double-occupancy bedrooms. They have shared kitchen, living room, dining room, bathrooms, washer and dryer, and phone for local calls. There is a house van for trips to the grocery store and parole office. Specialized educational and vocational programs are available. After many years in prison, parolees don’t know what to expect in a society that they have been absent from for so long and that has changed so much since they entered prison. Having a prison record impairs obtaining a job, so their success on the outside provides hope to other prisoners that maybe they will also be able to get out. This success helps the community as well as the parolees, and greatly reduces recidivism.
Willie Carpenter, a resident of Francisco Homes who spoke to our Club 2 years ago, received a grant from us of $1000 then to enter carpentry training and obtain books, supplies and a computer. He also had to take some English classes. He has now finished his training and is working nights as a carpenter. Although he was working on the evening of our meeting, he sent us a text message of appreciation for our support. Dave Moyers, our Foundation Chair, presented Sister Teresa with another $3000 to Francisco Homes to help further Willie’s new career. Francisco Homes’ website is; phone 323-293-1111. Donations are appreciated.