(Aug 9)
Matthew Botello (mbotello@edcodisposal.com) is the Commercial Service Field Representative for EDCO, which is contracted by Rancho Palos Verdes for curbside trash and recyclables pickup and dumpster service. He described SB 1383, a new California law requiring separating organics waste such as leftover food and kitchen scraps from trash and placing it into their green waste bins for pickup. Its purpose is to reduce methane emissions by diverting organics waste from landfills to other uses like compost, mulch and renewable energy. Organics recycling began for Rancho Palos Verdes residential customers on April 1, 2022, and will be implemented for nonresidential customers on October 1.
EDCO has expanded source-separated green waste collection to include recyclable food waste, so customers place food scraps in the same container. Cans, plastic containers or kitchen caddies can be used, but no plastic bags because they contaminate compost; paper bags are acceptable. All organic material must be placed loosely inside the green cart for collection.
Green waste, in addition to yard waste, can now include food scraps, cooked or raw meat including bones, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, grains, teabags, leftovers and spoiled food. Food-soiled paper goods can be included, but no plastic or wax coating or metal parts. Residents can request a free 1.5 gallon sealable plastic kitchen caddie to conveniently transfer food scraps from the kitchen to their green cart or compost pile. Everything that grows, goes!
As before, other recyclables (plastics 1-7, glass, aluminum, cardboard and paper go into the blue recycling cart, and trash goes into the gray cart.