Dave Henseler (pictured with Chase Thacker) is a member of the South Bay Sunrise Rotary Club and is active in the international Rise Against Hunger project. Hunger is also present in our community, including among homeless students at El Camino Community College, 8% of whom are homeless, some living on the parking lots, and many more are food-insecure and come from stressed families. These students are struggling to better themselves, and deserve our support.
A “Warrior Pantry” was established on the El Camino campus in autumn 2019 in the Physics 116 room, open Mon 9-12, Tues 1-4, Wed 3-6, and Thurs 1-4. This function helps to avoid the stigma of poverty and helps students to focus on their academic goals and career preparations. It also connects them to resources for social services.
Rotarians can support these efforts. (Dave’s SB Sunrise Club volunteers there on alternate Wednesdays.) Donations needed are canned goods and non-perishables, and toiletries such as soap, toothpaste, pads/tampons, and toilet paper. Rotarians and other volunteers can visit http://bit.ly/WarriorPantryInfo, or contact the Student Development Office for questions at 310-660-3593, ext 3500.