(Sept 24, 2024)
Connie Senner graduated from Cal State University in Northridge. She was director of operations for medical office management services at Torrance Memorial Hospital, 3330 Lomita Blvd in Torrance (https://www.torrancememorial.org/), including establishing new medical practices. She managed new facility tenant improvements, staffing, marketing, contracting, and financial analysis and strategies. The hospital has many satellite facilities in the South Bay area, and is now affiliated with Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles.
In 2004, Connie was appointed Director of Design & Construction at Torrance Memorial. In 2010, the hospital began a 400,000 ft2 medical center expansion, completing construction in 2014. During this time, she oversaw the construction and rejuvenation of several buildings on the campus: the Thelma McMillan Center for Chemical Dependency, the West Tower on Medical Center Dr, the 390,000 ft2 Melanie & Richard Lundquist Tower with retrofitting for earthquake protection, the North Tower (Donald & Priscilla Hunt Tower), the Lundquist Lurie Cardiovascular Center (a separate building on Lomita Boulevard), and the redesigned and enlarged TMH Lundquist Emergency Center.
Leading the teamwork for these very comprehensive hospital construction and renovation projects have kept her very busy. Personnel management and understanding the complex intersecting needs of the various departments and personnel involved have been very challenging but successful. The hospital has grown to a capacity of about 600 beds.