(Mar 26, 2024)
Tony Self is an REO broker in California & Nevada with over 6000 sales. He launched Realtor.com & ZipForms. (His email address is tony@huntermason.com.) He discussed the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is expanding rapidly. Some people fear it may “destroy humanity” because of its potential power for good and evil.
Tony showed a video of a life-size human-like android walking and using its hands with tools. He reviewed how AI tools can be used, including “marketing on steroids” and “glamour shots” with modified images. AI can generate text, books, videos, pictures, software, songs, androids, and “deep fakes” (already showing up in social media and politics). Over half of people can’t tell that AI generated its content.
Major AI players include ChatGPT (OpenAI, https://chat.openai.com), Microsoft Bing AI (with a $13 billion investment in OpenAI), and Google Bard (80% of Google’s revenue is from advertising). ChatGPT gained 1 million users in its first 5 days and gets 1 billion website visits per month. Other major AI tools include Canva (https://www.canva.com), Leonardo (https://app.leonardo.ai), and Artflow (https://app.artflow.ai).