
President-Elect Sandy Farrell presented the Nominating Committee’s slate of nominations for our Club’s officers for next year, 2013-2014.  The nominations were approved by vote of the members present.

The PV Sunset Rotary Board Members for 2013-14 are:

Immediate Past President: John Turner
President: Sandy Farrell
President-Elect: Roger Schamp
Secretary: Sylvia Benko
Treasurer: Chris Kilgore
Membership: Larry Andrews
Club Service: Jerry Farrell
Community Service: Jackie Crowley
International Service: Astrid Naviaux
Vocational Service: Madelyn Creighton and Audrey Dahlgren
New Generations: Don Reeves
Public Relations: Angi Ma Wong
Project Ego Chair: John Turner
Club Bulletin: Wes Bradford
Sergeant-At-Arms: Mark Pepys

Non-Board Positions:

Greeter: Betty Reider
Happy Bucks: Varda Lancaster
Scrapbook Historian: Sue Tyree
Photographer: Pilar Hale
Coordinator of the Awards Reports: Lew Bertrand