(Oct 8, 2024)
Deputy Derek Clotworthy is a Community Relations Representative for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Our local Lomita Sheriff's Station is at 26123 Narbonne Avenue in Lomita (310-539-1661). It covers the Cities of Lomita, Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills Estates, Rolling Hills, and some local unincorporated areas.
Dep Clotworthy spoke on community safety and law enforcement issues, and the importance of community support. Know how to report suspicious activities (“If you see something, say something”). Recognize what is normal for your neighborhood and what is not, and report any suspicious activity immediately. Watch out for your neighbors, and ask their help if you will be absent from your home. A map showing locations of reported local crimes is at https://www.rpvca.gov/1030/Crime-Reports-Mapping, with links to weekly reports.
You can file a specific type of crime or incident report online through the Sheriff's Online Report Tracking System (SORTS) at https://lasd.org/sorts/. These incidents include lost or stolen property valued at no more than $950, or vandalism (except graffiti) with damages valued at no more than $400. For emergencies, dial 9-1-1. (To report a crime anonymously, go to https://www.lacrimestoppers.org/; your identity will be encrypted and anonymous.)
Robbery is when force is used or threatened, to steal or attempt to steal property. Burglary is when the perpetrator enters an otherwise closed location. Grand theft or larceny is stealing over $950 without force; if under $950, it is petty theft.
Simple steps to avoid being a victim of a property crime:
- Lock all windows and doors, including garage doors and your vehicle.
- Turn on exterior lights or set them on a timer so your home looks occupied.
- Remove valuables from plain view in your vehicle and through the windows of your home.