(Dec 14, 2021) We had a delicious Holiday Dinner with French cuisine, entertained by a harpist arranged by Pres Steve (a heavenly touch!).
Remember, our next Club Meeting is Jan 11, 2022. Until then, stay safe and calm. The best of Holiday Cheer to all!

Some Limericks for the Season:
(Mensa Bulletin, Nov/Dec 2021)
You’re getting forgetful, my dear.
Some memories aren’t too clear.
That gift on the tree
That you gave to me?
I gave it to you just last year!
Each Christmas I’m now so perplexed,
I wonder just what’s coming next.
Yule letters so sweet
Are now obsolete.
You’re lucky to get a group text!
Conspiracy nut for a brother?
A guilt-trip-distributing mother?
The big Christmas “do”
Is merry if you
Survive without killing each other!