Meet Ralph Black
Name: Ralph Black
Member Since: 2010
Where are you from originally? If not from LA, how did you end up here?
I am originally from Canada. After finishing my medical residency at UC San Francisco, I came to LA. In 1959 UCLA took over teaching at what is now Harbor UCLA Medical Center. Nobody in Westwood wanted to go out to the sticks so I was paid extra to teach brand new residents who needed classes in general pharmacology and anesthesiology and the techniques of our specialty.
It was 6 days a week, 16-plus hours a day but very rewarding work, as we had good, fast workers. Eventually, I started doing private work at different hospitals in the area. That lasted 50 years.
What do you do for fun?
I enjoy gardening and sports, and attend regular medical and history lectures. I also spend about six weeks a year traveling.
Why did you join Rotary and why have you stayed?
I joined Rotary because I knew many Rotarian's and they were smart, generous people. I have not been disappointed!
What is your favorite Rotary experience?
Visiting Camp Pendleton. That is something that I always wanted to do.
What is your favorite book? Favorite movie?
My favorite book is Why The Allies Won. My favorite movie is Patton.
What is an item on your bucket list?
To have my best friend and medical school classmate come and stay with me for six months.